If you are a Landlord or a letting agent acting as a Landlord you know you have specific fire prevention and fire safety obligations to meet, aside from being a legal requirement, you would like to think everyone would want to ensure that someone staying within a property they own or manage is safe. Yet time and time again at FASS we read of continued prosecutions of Landlords who fail to meet the most basic standards when it comes to Fire Safety, putting tenants lives and risk and those of neighbouring properties as well. It’s as infuriating as it is astounding to us especially as FASS are highly experienced and able to assist you with ensuring that you meet all current fire regulations and that your tenants are safe.
In one recent article a letting agency in Scunthorpe was charged with six offences relating to breaches of the Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (England) Regulations 2006 including:
- Failure to take appropriate safety measures – missing fire alarms in the communal areas of the property;
- Failure to maintain common parts, fixtures, fittings and appliances – light fittings missing and one with exposed wiring, the stair carpet had holes and badly worn plus a window in the communal area was rotten
- Failure to provide waste disposal facilities – there was an accumulation of domestic waste to the rear of the property.
At FASS we welcome the prosecution and subsequent fine of this letting agent fortunately due to this action the tenants will now be safe, however there are still many more properties without adequate fire protection measures in place.
If you are a tenant and feel that your rented property is not safe or does not meet fire regulations we urge you to contact your local authority and report your concerns. The importance of fire safety can not be overstated, take simple steps to prevent fire now.
If you are a Landlord and are unsure of the current regulations and risks associated with fire or would like FASS to carry out a Fire Safety Survey please contact us for further information.