We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who visited us today (17th May) at our stand whilst attending the 2016 annual NAHFO conference at the Redworth Hall Hotel, County Durham.
Fire and Safety Solutions Ltd will be exhibiting tomorrow and Thursday (18th and 19th of May 2016) and would welcome you to come and say ‘hello’ to us and to discuss any fire and safety questions you may have or to see how our services can benefit you.
The National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO) conference is aimed at anyone within the healthcare industry, whether that is NHS Fire Safety Officers, Nominated Officers, Fire Safety Managers, Estate Managers, Local Authority Fire Safety Officers, Private healthcare fire safety professionals and residential care staff with a responsibility towards fire safety.
Further details about how you can attend the conference can be found on the NAHFO website at www.nahfonorthern.com or please contact us at FASS to find out more. We look forward to seeing you there.